Columbia Population Research Center Seminar: A Framework for Understanding the Climate-Related Health Vulnerabilities of Older Adults and Aging Populations
Jenna Tipaldo, Deborah Balk, and Lori Hunter
A virtual seminar on April 9, 2024 co-hosted by the Columbia Population Research Center and the CUNY Institute for Demographic Research
Abstract: The 21st century will see substantial global demographic shifts with population aging and continued urbanization and rural population decline along with increasing hazards and impacts of climate change. Older adults are especially vulnerable to health impacts and mortality due to climate-related stressors through various mechanisms. For many, aging is accompanied by bodily changes that impact daily life, such as ambulation and communication, and impact morbidity and mortality risk, such as thermoregulation and chronic conditions. Factors such as gender, race/ethnicity, access to resources, social isolation, cognitive abilities, and location may also play a role in vulnerability to climate impacts among older adults. This review unpacks connections between aging and climate change highlighting little understood mechanisms between them and proposes a framework to better understand these phenomena. We conclude with recommendations on ways to fill key knowledge gaps and suggestions of how to adapt today’s data infrastructure to improve our understanding of aging in the context of future climate change.
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